Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 13 - Twin Sisters - 11,413 and 11,428

6.5 miles 2500 feet

Two peaks. Was crowded

Dad, Brianna, Melissa, Laura, Miranda, Maria, Alena, Tyler, Trent, Shannon, Kevin

Up we go

Longs Peak in the distance, erosion damage from flood

As you get higher, you wrap around the north side of these peaks and views of town and the mummy range open up.

Well defined trail except for where the erosion wiped out some switch backs

Laura, Miranda, Tyler, Maria on the West summit - that point in back of these guys is not the other twin, but it is the second point you see from Longs Peak, the sun coming up from between these guys and that second point to the south.  

Melissa, Maria, Tyler, Laura, Miranda 

Down we go, Some had to catch a plane that day

Between the East and West twins

Kevin and Shannon